Client Focused LinkedIn Workshop Series

4 Video Tutorial Sessions with worksheets

Create business opportunities with a non-salesy approach!

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1. Client Focused Profile

Optimise your profile to catch the attention of your LinkedIn VIP so you are ready to do business with them. 

We focus on the sections of your LinkedIn profile that will intrigue and attract your ideal clients and potential referral partners.  There are so many small changes you can make that will increase your visibility with the people you want to work with.   

30 minute on-demand practical workshop filled with LinkedIn profile advice! You can stop and start the video to make adjustments as you go!

2. Increasing Credibility with your existing LinkedIn profile

Credibility, trustworthiness and industry expertise attract higher level clients.  Is your LinkedIn profile currently reflecting this and what ways can you use your profile to do so?   Besides dusting off your certificates there are so many ways!  

What are your credibility indicators and how can you improve them? 

This session is jam-packed with practical adjustments which you can make to your profile so it's reflecting a more trustworthy, credible and high referable you! 

3. Value-add engagement when you are short on energy and time!

You only have so much time in your day, so what's the most effective way to engage on LinkedIn?

We look at effective engagement strategies with a client focused approach.  We discuss what your ideal client journey is and how to connect with them where they are at.

Your ideal clients are unique to you, so check out the many ways you can be effectively engaging with them so you can achieve that non-salesy sales approach.

4. Creating Content that your client will engage with!

Creating LinkedIn Content that you are confident to share.

We look at ways to create content that resonates and drives results.

Crafting content that's not just original but also connects with your ideal client and is sustainable to produce. 

Worksheets and lots of practical tips available during this workshop session.

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What's inside the Workshop series?   

Watch here and I'll explain:  Video tutorials, strategy tips, worksheets, email accountability and how-tos!


The Client Focused Approach

Many of my clients focus their marketing and community building on LinkedIn as they are working with decision-makers and professionals who often require and value their services, so that's where we apply the Client Focused Approach

A client-focused approach in service-based businesses prioritises meeting the needs and expectations of clients. This approach places the client at the center of the business strategy, emphasising personalised and attentive service to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Understanding the client's needs, building relationships and ensuring strong consistent two-way communication are all valuable components of being client focused. (And make marketing your business so much more enjoyable, because you are focused more on your clients and less on you!)

Client Focused Workshop Series

Buy the series to get started on your Client Focused LinkedIn Approach immediately!


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NZD Excl Gst |$USD 180

  • Four 30+ minute Workshops available on-demand.
  • Accompanying downloadable worksheets.
  • Summary notes and bonus worksheet.

Highly recommended for someone with a basic understanding of LinkedIn who wants to connect authentically more with their ideal clients and would like to learn at their own pace.

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Hi, I'm Nicki

Marketing Strategist | LinkedIn Consultant

Are you a Business Owner, Consultant, Professional or Industry Expert looking to clearly market your services, build business collaborations and attract new high value clients?

Do you want to keep your values aligned with your business and focus on the client rather than yourself? I do too! 

Let's eliminate the LinkedIn overwhelm! If you suspect your ideal clients are on LinkedIn but you’re unsure how to connect then we need to chat. 

Nicki Osbaldiston


"There were so many wonderful nuggets of gold to help me to connect and engage with my audience, and also to give me the confidence to post.  If you are looking to learn more about client focused marketing for your business on LinkedIn, I would highly recommend you contact Nicki"

Shanta Parker, Executive Director, Medical Mission Aid,  Australia

"Working with Nicki has been eye-opening. She's coaching me on how to get the best out of being on LinkedIn, and where previously I'd thought it wasn't really a place for a small business owner, Nicki has shown me how useful it can be for someone like me. In the first month of working with Nicki, I've had two people reach out for potential projects!"

Sally Tudhope, Website Designer

"Nicki went above and beyond to assist me. She was flexible and helpful in what she offered and this made her services very good value for money. Nicki was positive, practical and reliable. Highly recommend!!"

Rebecca Strange, Immigration Advisor, NZ Visa Connections

"Nicki is inventive, and experienced, loves what she does in supporting others to have clarity and confidence in their business strategy.
She starts with the client as a focus and then brings this into every aspect of the business including Linked In. 
I recommend Nicki without reservation for marketing strategy coaching and learning." 

Christine Jull, Leadership Coach, The Wave